What can the Ombudsman do for you?

The Ombudsman can:

1. Investigate a potential violation of your human rights and issue recommendations

At the end of the investigation, the Ombudsman will issue an opinion on whether there has been a violation of your rights or not. Please note that the Ombudsman cannot change or amend the decisions of courts or state institutions. 

If the Ombudsman concludes that your rights have been violated, they will send a notice to the authority or responsible official whose decisions, actions or inactions, in their opinion violate the human rights and freedoms covering the recommendations on measures to be undertaken for the immediate restoration of your rights. This notice will contain recommendations on what action should be taken to restore your rights without delay. The offender has to inform the Ombudsman in writing within 30 days of the measures taken to implement the recommendations and improve the situation. If the Ombudsman does not agree with the actions taken, he may appeal to a higher authority to take appropriate action to implement the recommendations and/or inform the public. 

The Ombudsman’s opinion can also help you defend your claim in the court or institution examining your claim. In addition to this, if your rights are violated, the Ombudsman can also apply to a court to protect your interests. However, this is rare, mainly in cases of systemic, massive or gross violations of human rights. The Ombudsman may intervene to present their findings to the court to protect the rights and legitimate interests of persons.

2. Help to prevent future violations of a similar kind against you or other persons

If the Ombudsman’s investigation reveals a problem in a law or the practice of state institutions, he can propose changes to them to prevent future violations. 

For this purpose Ombudsman submits to the authorities and/or individuals in key positions proposals and recommendations on the recovery of rights for the individuals for whom was found a violation of their human rights and freedoms. Also for the purposes of prevention of human rights violations Ombudspersons can contributes to the amiable solution of the conflicts between public authorities and other persons and can submit amendments of the legislation in the area of human rights and freedoms. 

3. Help you to understand your human rights and explain how better to defend them

If you are not sure if your human rights have been violated or whether the Ombudsman can investigate your case, you can make an appointment for a consultation, send your questions by email secretariat@ombudsman.md or call by landline +373 (022) 23-48-00 or by cell phone +373-60-002-657 the Ombudsman’s Office before you make a complaint. In addition to the central Ombudsman’s Office in Chișinău, there are four regional offices throughout the country: in Bălți, Cahul, Comrat and Varnița. Their contact details can be found on the dedicated page of the Ombudsman’s website.

The Ombudsman can help you with various human rights related questions, but keep in mind that he cannot act as your lawyer, cannot provide unlimited free legal aid and is not obliged to represent you in court.

The Ombudsman cannot: 

The Ombudsman can only fulfil those tasks which are outlined under the Law on the People's Advocate (Ombudsman). Therefore, Ombudsman cannot:

  • revoke or change decisions of courts or state institutions
  • examine the evidence in court cases
  • punish state officials or private individuals
  • give you compensation for a violation of your human rights
  • provide legal advice not related to your human rights
  • write applications to courts or state institutions or write other legal documents for you
  • represent you in the European Court of Human Rights or other international body


Last updated 23/11/2023