You must submit your complaint in writing.


You do not need to fill in a specific form. A model application form is available on the Ombudsman’s website to help you better structure your application. You can also read admissibility criteria and fill in the online complaint form.


The Ombudsman’s Office works in Romanian. However, you can submit your complaint in any language. This is also because the Ombudsman has to examine complaints regardless of the language. Most complaints are submitted in Romanian and Russian, and you will receive the official reply in these languages as well. The Ombudsman is doing their best to ensure that you understand their replies and may therefore use other languages if necessary. 


In your application you need to explain clearly:

  • what has happened
  • when it happened
  • which state institutions, officials, business company or non-governmental organisation were involved
  • to which institutions or officials you complained about this situation and what their responses were
  • the application needs to contain your name, signature, date and return address

Your application does not need to be in legally correct language or refer to any specific legal provisions, but it has to be clear and understandable. Try to write only about the facts and issues relating to the violation about which you are complaining. To help the Ombudsman better understand what has happened, try to keep the text simple, focused and avoid emotional or derogatory language. Complaints containing defamation, insult or incitement to national, racial or religious hatred will not be considered by the Ombudsman.


If you can, please enclose with your complaint any documents (particularly complaints you have made and responses to them) that relate to the situation you are complaining about.

Time limits

You may file your complaint to the Ombudsman within one year from the day of the alleged violation of your human rights or from the day when you became aware of the alleged violation. Complaints lodged more than one year after the date of the human rights violation are not considered by the Ombudsman.


If you are not using the online complaint form, the application shall be submitted in person at the premises of the Ombudsman’s Office or by post, fax, e-mail or other means of communication, using the following contact details:

The Ombudsman’s (People’s Advocate) Office 
11/3 Calea Ieșilor Str., MD 2069
Chișinău municipality
Republic of Moldova 
Fax: +373 (022) 23-48-00

Legal aid

In Moldova you are not entitled to free legal aid when making a complaint to the Ombudsman. If you are not sure if your human rights have been violated and whether the Ombudsman can investigate your case, you can make an appointment for a consultation, send your questions by email or call by landline +373 (022) 23-48-00 or by cell phone +373-60-002-657 the Ombudsman’s Office before you make a complaint. If you need further legal aid to prepare your complaint, you will have to hire a lawyer yourself. It is not compulsory to have a lawyer when making a complaint to the Ombudsman.


Last updated 23/11/2023