Learn more about some of the most important economic, social and cultural rights:

Food & Water

The right to food and water means that the State has to organize the economy so that food and water is accessible in the country and that it is safe for consumption. It does not mean that the State has to provide everyone with free water and food.

example The State must develop regulations for businesses that work in the food sector about how food should be stored and sold so that it is not contaminated and dangerous to your health.


The right to health means that the State has to do everything possible to have an effective and accessible healthcare system in place. It does not mean that we will all be healthy and that the State must ensure that. We are all born different and have different needs. It also does not mean that the State has to offer all possible health services for free.

It is, however, important that no one is barred from accessing healthcare services on any discriminatory grounds. Ideally, the State would have to ensure that less wealthy can also access the necessary health services. Further, the State has to regulate that the healthcare services that are provided, be they public or private, are qualitative.


The right to education means that the State has to ensure an environment where an effective and qualitative education system can be developed and is accessible to everyone. It does not mean that all education must be free of charge. In Moldova, elementary and secondary school education (1 to 9 classes) is compulsory and free. Public high school education (10 to 12 classes) is also free but not compulsory.

The State must also ensure that private education can be offered for those who want and can afford it. The State also has to do the maximum possible to ensure that the content of education is multi-faceted and orientated towards the full development of human personality. Education should also be accessible to as many people as possible, including those with disabilities and special needs.


The right to work means that you are allowed to work and you have the opportunity to look for work of your choosing. It does not mean that the State has to find a job for you or to ensure the wage that you desire. It also means that the State must put regulations into place that require safe and healthy working standards in all sectors, fair wages for the work done and the right of workers to organize themselves in trade unions. The State should also do everything possible to reduce unemployment.


The right to housing means that the State has to ensure that you can acquire adequate housing. It has to do everything possible so that you are able to purchase and rent housing that is affordable to you, that the housing is maintained according to safety and health standards and that you cannot be unlawfully evicted. It does not mean that the State has to provide you with free housing.

Last updated 17/11/2023