If the prison staff, the National Prison Administration or other authorities have violated your human rights, you may ask for the harm done to you to be remedied.

To obtain a remedy for a violation of your rights, you first need to: 

  1. establish that there was a violation of your rights
  2. claim compensation

If you believe that prison material conditions are violating your rights to the extent this violation breaches your right not to be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment, you should complain under the compensatory mechanism. Read more about the criteria for evaluation when detention conditions may be considered inhumane or degrading treatment.

In case there is a final court decision or other official act recognising that your right had been violated, but this violation does not reach the severity of a inhumane or degrading treatment, you are entitled to request a compensation for the suffered pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage in the framework of the general tort liability proceedings.

Other types of compensation proceedings should be followed if the violation and damage are caused by other bodies involved in criminal proceedings than the prison administration (police, prosecutors, courts etc.) or you are recognized as a victim in criminal proceedings.

Read about these different procedures to obtain compensation and types of remedies:

Last updated 02/10/2023