The Ombudsman (in Romanian Avocatul Poporului or Ombudsman) and Ombudsman on the Rights of the Child (in Romanian Avocatul Poporului pentru drepturile copilului) are the state authorities (National Human Rights Institution) that contribute to the protection of your human rights and freedoms by preventing their violation through monitoring and reporting in Moldova.

They are independent of the government, parliament and courts. Both of them have similar powers and working procedures, and reference is therefore made to the first Ombudsman further.

The Ombudsman

The Ombudsman can investigate complaints related to potential human rights violations and determine whether your human rights have been violated. He can also suggest that the government amend a law if they have discovered that certain legal provisions have a negative effect on human rights. 

The Ombudsman reviews the complaints of the individuals, regardless of race or ethnicity, colour, gender, language, political or religious beliefs, of national or social origin, wealth, birth or any other circumstances, who are or were under the jurisdiction of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter – petitioners), whose rights and freedoms were allegedly violated by the Republic of Moldova. 

The Ombudsman can review complaints related to a violation of your human rights by Moldovan state institutions, business companies, non-governmental organisations and public officials in Moldova. 

The Ombudsman on the Rights of the Child

The Ombudsman on the Rights of the Child focuses on issues and complaints submitted by persons under the age of 18 or other person in the child’s interest and specialises in the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Moldova. 

National authorities

It is important to remember that the duties of the Ombudsman do not replace those of the public authorities, law enforcement bodies or the judiciary. Therefore, if someone has violated your rights, you must file a complaint to the institution responsible for investigating such situations (such as the police, the civil court, the National Centre for Personal Data Protection etc).


Last updated 23/11/2023