Your application must be submitted in writing.


You do not need to fill in a specific form. An online complaint form is available on the website of the Equality Council to help you better structure your complaint. 

You can submit your complaint by any legal mean, including by post, fax, e-mail, delivering it personally to the Council or by filling in online complaint form. In case you cannot write, you may visit the Council and make an oral complaint, which will be registered in a note.


The Equality Council works in Romanian. However, you can submit your complaint in any language. This is also because the Council has to examine complaints regardless of the language. Complaints are usually submitted in Romanian and Russian languages, but some complaints were also submitted in Gagauz and English languages. The Council can communicate with you in Romanian or Russian languages, and it is doing its best to ensure that you understand its replies and may therefore use other languages if necessary. 


In your complaint you need to clearly provide the following information:

  • your name and your contact details  
  • name and contact details of the state institutions, officials, business company, non-governmental organisation or private person which discriminated you 
  • the facts: what have happened and when it happened
  • any evidence from which it may be presumed that discrimination has occurred: documents, photos, video and audio records, any witnesses etc. 
  • your signature (if on paper) and date of complaint’s submission 

note Remember, the Equality Council accepts complaints sent by e-mail of online without an electronic signature. 

Your application does not need to be in legally correct language or refer to any specific legal provisions, but it has to be clear and understandable. Try to write only about the facts and issues relating to the discrimination about which you are complaining. To help the Council better understand what has happened, try to keep the text simple, focused and avoid emotional or derogatory language. Complaints containing insult or incitement to national, racial or religious or other hatred will not be considered by the Council. 


If you can, please enclose with your complaint any documents (particularly other complaints you have made and responses to them) that relate to the situation you are complaining about.

Time limits

You may file your complaint to the Equality Council within one year from the date of the alleged discrimination or from the date when you became aware of the alleged discrimination or should have become aware of it. Complaints lodged after the expiration of these time limitation periods are declared by the Council as inadmissible. At the same time, in the case of a continuing or prolonged act of discrimination, a complaint to the Equality Council can be submitted during one year from the date of the last act or inaction.


The application shall be submitted in person at the premises of the Equality Council or by post, fax, e-mail or by filling in an online complaint form, using the following contact details:

The Equality Council
180 Ștefan cel Mare Blvd., of. 404
Chișinău, MD-2004
Republic of Moldova 
Tel/fax: +373 (0) 22-212-817

Legal aid

In Moldova you are not entitled to free legal aid when making a complaint to the Equality Council. If you are not sure whether you have been discriminated and whether the Council can examine your case, you can make an appointment at the Council for a consultation or receive a consultation by phone calling Hot Line 0-8003-3388 or landline +373 (0) 22-212-817 before you submit your complaint. If you need further legal aid to prepare your complaint, you will have to hire a lawyer yourself. It is not compulsory to have a lawyer when making a complaint to the Equality Council.


Last updated 23/11/2023