Termination of pregnancy

You have the right to freely decide whether to preserve or terminate your pregnancy. This choice is part of your human right to a private life.

Termination of pregnancy & Private life

Your right to a private and family life encompasses the right to the free choice of whether to become a parent. You have the right to freely decide about the termination of a pregnancy (abortion) or sterilisation if you do not wish to give birth to, or conceive, a child.

example You may wish to terminate a pregnancy resulting from rape.

Read more about the choice to become a parent or not. 

Read more about pregnancy and child birth

important Pregnancy and the interruption of pregnancy does not pertain uniquely to your own private life, as your private life is closely connected with the life and health of the developing foetus.

Information & Access to an abortion procedure

Being properly informed in a timely manner about the abortion procedure, its risks and impact to your health, as well as access to, and the availability of, the necessary medical treatment is also part of the human right to health.

The possibility of having an abortion is limited in time, therefore, the time factor is of critical importance. The necessary medical tests should be conducted in a timely manner so that you can decide whether to terminate your pregnancy without delay. After receiving the necessary test results, the abortion procedure should be carried out, if you so wish, forthwith.

example Access to relevant information on the mother’s and foetus’ health should not be delayed, especially if such information indicates a malformation of the foetus, and may be decisive in choosing whether to continue the pregnancy. 

example The abortion procedure should be carried out without delay, to limit and prevent damage to the mother’s health which may be occasioned by a late abortion.

Read more about access to information about reproductive health and access to reproductive health care.

Abortion procedure

There may be different reasons for deciding on an abortion. You may not wish to become a parent at a particular time or have a child with a particular person. Negative medical indications for you, or for the foetus’ health, or a pregnancy caused by rape, may be reasons for termination. Before an abortion procedure, you will be asked to fill out a statement confirming that you have taken an informed decision to do so.

There are no prohibitions on terminating a pregnancy in Moldova. However, your right to decide on the termination of a pregnancy has certain restrictions, such as the time period for carrying out the procedure, which are set out in the Ministry of Health Order on voluntary interruption of the course of pregnancy in safe conditions, as well as the Health protection law.

example An abortion can only be carried out until the 12th week of the pregnancy. In the case of medical or social indications, a pregnancy can be terminated until the 21st week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy of a minor & Abortion

Although you have the right to freely decide on the preservation or termination of a pregnancy, the interests and circumstances of your parents or legal guardian are also involved in this decision. Thus, if you are younger than 16 years, the doctor must inform your parents or legal guardian about the fact of your pregnancy and an abortion may be carried out only with the consent of at least one of your parents, or your legal guardian. 

If it’s impossible to obtain the consent of one of your legal guardian and if these medical services are mandatory to save your life and health, your voluntary consent is enough. In this situation, the decision is adopted in an advisory manner by the service provider, in the interests of the minor, in accordance with the normative acts of the Ministry of Health.

What human rights violation may there be?

Your right to health may have been violated if you are denied an abortion procedure even though the legal requirements have been met. This may also lead to a violation of your right to a private life since aspects of your reproductive health are closely linked to your private life.

If you have been denied access to information about your, and your expected baby’s health, or you have not been correctly and properly informed in a timely manner, this may have negatively affected your private life and thus led to a violation of your right to a private life. Your right to a private life may also have been violated if you need to terminate your pregnancy due to medical negligence by doctors. 

example Your right to a private life may have been violated if you only decided to terminate your pregnancy due to contradictory and/or misleading information about a genetic disorder in the foetus.

example Your right to a private life may have been violated if a doctor carried out a medical act on you intended for another person due to a mix-up at the hospital and as a result of this error, you were obliged to undergo an abortion, despite the previously determined good state of your, and the expected baby’s health.

If an abortion procedure is denied only because you belong to a group with certain characteristics associated with your race, origin, religious beliefs, political affiliation, sexual orientation or other similar grounds, it may violate the prohibition on discrimination and unequal treatment.


Last updated 24/07/2023