A child’s perspective

You have the right to an education which is a human right. This right is very important, because education helps you to grow into an independent and fully developed individual and member of society. It also allows you to learn about your other human rights, such as the right to a family life, and how to enjoy them.

Right to an education

Your right to an education guarantees that you can:

  • learn at an educational institution
  • obtain official recognition (certificate) of the studies which you have completed

If you have functional disabilities, there should be special educational programmes which are suitable to your needs.

Free primary and secondary education in Moldova

The Moldovan Constitution, guarantees your free state (primary and secondary) education. This means that you can go to school and you will be given everything that you need for learning, such as text-books, electronic resources, sports equipment, instruments, etc. However, your parents must provide you with individual school supplies, such as stationery or sports clothing.

Obligations within the education process

Your right to an education also brings along some obligations, which are set out in the Education Code, for example:

  • if you are under 16, to get a pre-school, primary and first cycle secondary (”învăţământul gimnazial”) education
  • to observe the internal regulations of the educational institution
  • to observe the rights and interests of teachers, pupils and other persons
  • to be polite and not to be emotionally and physically violent towards other persons in the educational institution
  • not to endanger your health, safety or life or that of other persons in the educational institution

Language of instruction

The right to an education does not guarantee that you will receive education in your mother tongue or any other language that you choose. In Moldova, your schooling language may be the official language of the State, which is Romanian.

There are, however, some exceptions. You may learn also in one of the international languages such as English or French. Minority languages such as Russian, Ukrainian or Gagauzian may also be an education language in areas where minorities tradionally live or where there is a high number of individuals representing minorities, and in the limits of the educational system’s possibilities. The state examinations are usually taken in your learning language.

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion is one of your human rights. This freedom means that you can freely express what you believe in words or in any other way to other people. For example, you may wish to wear a cross around your neck, take part in a collective prayer or follow a vegetarian diet. 

important You must respect the beliefs of other pupils in the same way that they must respect yours. Therefore, you must respect what other pupils express as their beliefs, even if you disagree. 

At the same time, schools must also provide a neutral atmosphere for all pupils regardless of their religion. Therefore, your right to express your religious beliefs at school may sometimes be restricted.

example You are requested to refrain from excessive proselytism and promotion of your religious beliefs. Such a request helps to maintain an atmosphere of neutrality. Teachers are required not to resort to or admit religious propaganda in the educational process, which fundamental principles are freedom of thought and independence from ideologies, religious dogmas.

Choice of religious and ethical subjects

In Moldova, you may choose to learn Religion. Its learning is provided from first to ninth grade and is facultative, and you may be enrolled based on your parent’s or legal guardian’s request.


Last updated 24/07/2023