Youth Platform for Interethnic Solidarity (Minority Youth Moldova)

Youth Platform for Interethnic Solidarity (Minority Youth Moldova) — a non-governmental organization operating in the Republic of Moldova and established in 2016 by eleven graduates of the first internship program organised by the United Nations in Moldova for people belonging to underrepresented groups.

The organisation aims to represent and promote the rights of ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities (national minorities). The idea of creating an organization dedicated to the promotion and protection of minority rights arose after the Universal Periodic Review (November 2016), when the Republic of Moldova received a large number of recommendations on working with minorities and protecting their rights.

How can it help you

Educational activities

The NGO provides educational activities for youth, especially for those who belong to national minorities, for example: Summer School for Young People from Minorities, Human Rights Academy, Winter School on Cultural Diversity. 

Legal advice

If you belong to an ethnic, linguistic or religious minority and believe that you have been discriminated against in Moldova, we can help you to understand whether your situation may be discriminatory and assist you in drafting and submitting your complaint to the Equality Council.

Policy expertise 

The organisation is contributing to policy-making process as well as is involved in educational policies. The organization has the experience in working and collaborating with state institutions such as Agency for Interethnic Relations, Equality Council, Ministry of Education and Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. If you are interested in such kind of activities, you can join us, gain new experience and build your professional profile. 

Monitoring and reporting

The organisation monitors developments in Moldova on issues related to national minorities, including non-discrimination, inclusion, representation of minorities in mass media, participation in election campaigns etc. The results of the monitoring are used for the shadow reporting to the United Nations human rights committees and within the Universal Periodic Review of Moldova. 


  • Training of youth and other target groups
  • Human rights monitoring
  • National Youth Forum on minority issues
  • Expertise of the school textbooks from the perspective of inclusion and non-discrimination
  • Summer School for Young People from Minorities
  • Monitoring of mass-media

More information & Contacts 

Youth Platform for Interethnic Solidarity (Minority Youth Moldova)
5 Pushkin Str., 
Chisinau, MD-2005
Republic of Moldova

Last updated 17/11/2023