Amnesty International Moldova (AIM) is a national section of the largest human rights campaigning non-governmental organization Amnesty International. AIM was founded on 10 December 1993 and it is the oldest functioning human rights organisation in Moldova.

Its work is based on research and analysis of human rights issues on the ground, activism and solidarity campaigns, as well as working with public institutions and civil society to promote human rights.

How can it help you


You can join AIM as a member and activist and organise or participate in various human rights events together with other activists, or you can set up a local AIM group in your community, school or university. In this way, you can deepen your understanding of human rights and gain experience in the protection of human rights. 

Human rights education 

Human rights education is one of the core areas of AIM’s activity. The organisation has managed to include the optional subject “Human rights education” in the formal school curriculum, while also carrying out non-formal education trainings on child human rights defenders, breaking stereotypes, as well as trainings with teachers from Transnistrian region on bullying in schools and how to fight this phenomenon.

Another human rights education activity target group are legal professionals, such as lawyers, prosecutors and judges to improve their capacity on most relevant human rights issues in the country. 

WASH campaign

AIM campaigns for the creation of decent hygienic conditions in schools, ensuring the right to water, sanitation and hygiene in all educational institutions in Moldova. In this respect AIM intervenes and requests information on the situation of sanitary blocks in schools to ensure equal hygiene conditions for all children.

Harmonisation of legislation with international standards 

AIM campaigns to bring local legislation in line with international human rights standards. In addition, AIM also advocates and contributes to the improvement of national legislation and public policies that directly or indirectly address human rights, human security, human rights enforcement etc.


  • Human rights activism 
  • Human rights education
  • Involvement in human rights monitoring
  • Training of various target groups (children, young people, teachers, lawyers) about human rights and how to protect human rights 
  • Campaigning for the right to water, sanitation and hygiene in schools
  • Campaigning for victims of human rights violation
  • Letter-writing campaigns in solidarity with victims of human rights violations around the world
  • Advocacy for change, ranging from raising public awareness to specific policy or legislative changes

More information & Contacts
+373 (0) 22-835-808

Amnesty International Moldova
20 Toma Ciorba Str., Office 7
Chisinau, MD-2004
Republic of Moldova

Last updated 20/11/2023