Where to find information about your origins

General information about your origins

In Moldova, general information about you and your origins is stored in the Population state registry. For example, this register contains information about your birth, the fact of your adoption, parents, marriage and children. 

The Population state registry is operated by the Public Services Agency.

Adopted children

If you have been adopted, the Population state Registry will contain information about your adoptive (legally recognized) parents. You have the right to request information about your adoption by obtaining an Extract from the Population state Register which certifies the fact, date and place of birth, but does not disclose explicitly neither the fact of adoption nor the identity of the biological parents of the adoptee.

important Information regarding adoption will not be available to you before you have reached the age of majority (or emancipation). The identity of the child’s biological parents can be disclosed before gaining full legal capacity only due to medical reasons, with the court’s approval, at the request of any of the adoptive parents, of the adopted child, of the local guardianship authority or of a representative of any medical institution. After gaining full legal capacity, you, as an adopted child may request the court from your place of residence or the Chisinau Court of Appeals, in case that you have no residence in the Republic of Moldova, to authorize access to information regarding the identity of your biological parents, held by the central authorities or the civil status bodies.

Specific information about your origins

Information regarding aspects of your birth, such as the time and place of your birth, your given name and surname, and biological parents, is included in the Population state registry which is operated by the Public Services Agency. In this registry, you may also find information about the determination or recognition of paternity or adoption.

important If you are a foundling, you will not find any information about your parents in the Population state registry.

Further information about your origins

If you already have some identifying information about your biological, foster or adoptive parents, and you would like to obtain more information about them, such as, contact information or their current whereabouts, you may find this information in the Population state Registry. 

Please be aware that, to protect their private lives, such data is considered restricted information and is not generally accessible to the public.

Requesting information

To obtain information about your origins from a specific register, you must submit a request to the institution responsible about that register. Read more about how to request information about your origins.


Last updated 25/10/2023