There are certain restrictions that you have to observe and requirements that you have to fulfil to marry your partner.

Persons willing to enter into marriage have to submit an application to a Civil Status Office. You can freely decide if you want to conclude your marriage in a Civil Status Office at the place of residence of one of the future spouses or of their parents. You may also conclude your marriage outside the Civil Status Office premises (at home, at the hospital etc.) if, due to justified reasons, one of the future spouses cannot personally come to the Civil Status Office. You may also marry whilst you or your partner are serving a prison sentence.

Requirements and restrictions

There are certain restrictions that you have to observe and requirements that you have to fulfill to conclude a marriage.

example In order to marry, you must, as a general rule, have reached the age of 18 and must comply with restrictions regarding the choice of your partner. This includes the prohibition of marriage for a same-sex couple.

example You have to express your wish to marry freely in front of the official empowered by the state to record your marriage.

example You cannot marry if you or your partner are married to another person and this marriage is still in force (prevention of polygamy).

If you have performed only a religious wedding or engagement ceremony without fulfilling the requirements or observing the restrictions, your marriage is not considered legally recognized by the state.


Last updated 25/10/2023