Surrogacy arrangements and giving birth as a surrogate mother is not provided for under the Moldovan law. Artificial insemination of a woman is allowed only by using her and her partner’s (genetic parents’) ovum and sperm or a donor’s ovum or sperm from a gamete donor bank. Donation of sexual cells can be anonymous or non-anonymous. You cannot choose a particular person to be your donor or choose the person who will receive the gamete you have donated when the procedure is anonymous. On the other side, non-anonymous donors can be patients relatives up to the second degree (for women – only female relatives, for men – only male relatives), as well as people having a special relationship (friends).

The birth mother will also be the legally recognized mother of the child, even if she has undergone artificial insemination using a donor’s ovum. However, it is to be specified that the law provides the registration procedure of the birth of a child born abroad by surrogacy arrangements.


Last updated 24/07/2023