Complaints about the unlawful processing of medical data

Inappropriate or unlawful processing of medical data may violate your human right to a private life. Usually, such data should be depersonalized when used in the public interests such as statistics. Medical data in such cases should therefore become anonymous, making this information impossible to be associated with an identified or identifiable individual as a result. If you believe that medical data regarding your reproductive health has been processed unlawfully, for example, that it has been revealed to people who should not have seen it, you have a right to complain.  

You may complain about violations of your privacy by inappropriate or unlawful processing of medical data to the National Centre for Personal Data Protection within 30 days from the moment when you found out about the violation. You shall contact first the personal data operator to attempt obtaining a redress before complaining to the National Centre. After the examination of your complaint the National Centre will decide on the existence of a violation of personal data protection rights or a lack thereof. The National Centre may therefore order suspension or the termination of unlawful processing of personal data, as well its rectification, blocking or destruction.

You may challenge the decision of the National Centre (or the lack of its response) directly in administrative court proceedings without following the preliminary procedure.

If the case, the National Centre’s decision, gathered information and evidence may be grounds to initiate contravention proceedings against the liable persons.


Last updated 24/07/2023