Families with financial difficulties

The State may support the family financially and provide other kind of support as well if parents are not able to fully support their family. In Moldova, according to the law, families need to be assessed on a case by case basis whether they are indeed in financial difficulties in order to receive special support. More details on the establishment and payment of this social aid may be found in the relevant Regulation.

important The support available for families with financial difficulties may be subject to change.

The status of a needy family is analysed by the social service or social department of local public authority in which the family lives.

A needy family is entitled to:

  • a monthly benefit from the local public administration ensuring the difference between the guaranteed minimum income level and the global income of the family

note The amount of this benefit depends on the special needs of the persons in the family and the actual income of the family

  • relief from medical expenses as provided by the unique program of the mandatory health care insurance
  • free legal aid in certain situations (if necessary), during a period of 6 months preceding the month when the request to be granted legal aid has been lodged
  • other kinds of support for needy families (depends on the particular local public administration)

example The local public administration may provide support in the form of articles of first necessity to needy families in accordance with the particular local public administration regulations.

In emergency situations, a local public administration may also provide families with lump sum payments, articles of first necessity or other kinds of support in goods in order to satisfy their urgent basic needs.

You can learn more about the needy family status and the types of support available for needy families in the social service or social department of your local public administration.


Last updated 25/10/2023