The trial stage starts when the court receives your case and continues until the final judgement of the final court instance is taken.

Appeals for decisions and judgements

All decisions and judgements of lower courts can be appealed before a higher court, unless stated otherwise in the Criminal Procedure Code. It is very important to observe the time limits allowed for the appeals. All decisions and judgements on the merits of the case are most important for you and can be appealed within 15 days from the delivery. Decisions of the appeal courts stating on the merits as second instance courts may be appealed on points of law to the Supreme Court within 30 days. The decisions of the court that you receive must contain information explaining the procedure and time limits for their appeal.

Some complaints do not have specific time limits, because you may discover the circumstances about which you are complaining at any moment during the trial. In those cases it is important to complain as soon as possible.

example If you have found out about reasons why a judge in your case may not be objective or impartial, or you think that your trial has been unreasonably delayed, you should raise that issue as soon as possible.

Complaints about the actions in breach of judges' professional ethics and discipline

If you want to complain about certain actions in breach of professional ethics and discipline (but not decisions) of a judge in your case, you should submit a complaint to the Judicial Inspection, that is to be lodged through the secretariat of the Superior Council of Magistracy

example If a judge has used derogatory language against you during the proceedings, you should complain about that to the Judicial Inspection, by lodging it with the secretariat of the Superior Council of Magistracy.

Reasonable length of trial

If you consider that your trial risks exceeding reasonable time, you should write an application to the court requesting acceleration of the trial. Read more about the length of trial.


Last updated 26/07/2023